#BuckshotRoulette Python Dealer AI

Simple , #Buckshotroulette Python Dealer AI , beginner friendly

Table of contents

Hi students! Today I'm gonna show you how can you make a Dealer AI in python.


Firstly , we are going to import "random library" with we will use for making choices.

import random

Afterwards , we will make the variables for our code. We will also select the actual_round with the random library.

# Library
import random # Comes with python3, using for random number generation
# Variables
items = []  # Add "Magnifiying_Glass" if you want the dealer to see the bullet.

actual_round = None # Actual Round
round = None # Round that dealer knows
# Code
rng2 = random.randint(0,1) # Random number : gives us 1 or 0 randomly.
if rng2 == 0: # If the random number is 0

    actual_round = "Shoot" # Make the actual round "Shoot" (Live)
elif rng2 == 1: # If the random number is 1

    actual_round = "Blank" # Make the actual round Blank

Now that we have simple things set-up, we are going to make the dealer loop through the items table so that he can check if there is magnifying glass in it and use it.

#Rest of the code here

for item in items: # Looping through the items
    if item == "Magnifiying_Glass": # Is the item a magnifiying glass?
        print("Seen") # Yes, the item is magnifiying glass.

        round = actual_round # Makes me know the actual_round.
        if round == "Shoot": # If the round is shoot (live)
            print("I am gonna shoot! Using Handsaw") # I shoot him
            # Use handsaw code here.

Now that dealer has look through his inventory and made his choice if he has a magnifying glass , lets make some decisions even when we don't have a magnifying glass!

Firstly , we will make functions for shooting ourselves and the opponent.

# Library
import random # Comes with python3, using for random number generation
# Variables
items = []  # Add "Magnifiying_Glass" if you want the dealer to see the bullet.

actual_round = None # Actual Round
round = None # Round that dealer knows
# Code
rng2 = random.randint(0,1) # Random number : gives us 1 or 0 randomly.
if rng2 == 0: # If the random number is 0

    actual_round = "Shoot" # Make the actual round "Shoot" (Live)
elif rng2 == 1: # If the random number is 1

    actual_round = "Blank" # Make the actual round Blank

def shoot_itself(): # Gonna shoot myself
    print("Shot itself") # Shot myself
    if actual_round == "Blank": # Is the round blank?
        print("I dodged a bullet") # Yes, I survive.
        print("Ouch") # Ouchies , I shot myself.
    return None
def shoot_opponent(): # Gonna shoot him
    print("Shot him")  # Shot him
    if actual_round == "Shoot": # Is the round live?
        print("Time to smoke a pack") # Yes I shot him.
        print("I wasted it.") # No it was blank , I wasted it.
    return None

for item in items: # Looping through the items
    if item == "Magnifiying_Glass": # Is the item a magnifiying glass?
        print("Seen") # Yes, the item is magnifiying glass.

        round = actual_round # Makes me know the actual_round.
        if round == "Shoot": # If the round is shoot (live)
            print("I am gonna shoot! Using Handsaw") # I shoot him
            # Use handsaw code here.

Now that we have made functions for shooting , we are going to decide with one to do!

if not round == None: # If we know the round
    if round == "Blank": # If the round we know is blank
     shoot_itself() # We shoot ourselfs
    elif round == "Shoot": # If the round we know is shoot (live)
     shoot_opponent() # We shoot him/her.
elif round == None: # If we dont know the round
    rng3 = random.randint(0,1) # Random number ( 0 or 1)
    if rng3 == 1: # If the random number is 1
        shoot_opponent() # I shoot him/her.
    if rng3 == 0: # If the random number is 0
        shoot_itself() # I shoot myself.

There you go folks! You just made the dealer AI. Even thou we don't have code for using the other items it's just a loop through the items. Now for the full code:

# Library
import random # Comes with python3, using for random number generation
# Variables
items = []  # Add "Magnifiying_Glass" if you want the dealer to see the bullet.

actual_round = None # Actual Round
round = None # Round that dealer knows
# Code
rng2 = random.randint(0,1) # Random number : gives us 1 or 0 randomly.
if rng2 == 0: # If the random number is 0

    actual_round = "Shoot" # Make the actual round "Shoot" (Live)
elif rng2 == 1: # If the random number is 1

    actual_round = "Blank" # Make the actual round Blank

def shoot_itself(): # Gonna shoot myself
    print("Shot itself") # Shot myself
    if actual_round == "Blank": # Is the round blank?
        print("I dodged a bullet") # Yes, I survive.
        print("Ouch") # Ouchies , I shot myself.
    return None
def shoot_opponent(): # Gonna shoot him
    print("Shot him")  # Shot him
    if actual_round == "Shoot": # Is the round live?
        print("Time to smoke a pack") # Yes I shot him.
        print("I wasted it.") # No it was blank , I wasted it.
    return None

for item in items: # Looping through the items
    if item == "Magnifiying_Glass": # Is the item a magnifiying glass?
        print("Seen") # Yes, the item is magnifiying glass.

        round = actual_round # Makes me know the actual_round.
        if round == "Shoot": # If the round is shoot (live)
            print("I am gonna shoot! Using Handsaw") # I shoot him
            # Use handsaw code here.

if not round == None: # If we know the round
    if round == "Blank": # If the round we know is blank
     shoot_itself() # We shoot ourselfs
    elif round == "Shoot": # If the round we know is shoot (live)
     shoot_opponent() # We shoot him/her.
elif round == None: # If we dont know the round
    rng3 = random.randint(0,1) # Random number ( 0 or 1)
    if rng3 == 1: # If the random number is 1
        shoot_opponent() # I shoot him/her.
    if rng3 == 0: # If the random number is 0
        shoot_itself() # I shoot myself.

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If you have any questions feel free to contact me.